About Us/Experience

Dr Lauren Gradstein  MAPS

My career as a psychologist spans the past 10 years, most recently employed by the Department of Justice as a Senior Psychologist in the County Court.  At the Court I was responsible for providing pre-sentence clinical assessments to Judges.  I have completed over 1000 risk assessments and psychological reports and have provided evidence and opinions on the risk and management of offenders within the Court, to Judge’s in chambers and to the wider legal community. I have received excellent feedback from the legal fraternity and from management within the Department of Justice on the quality and accuracy of the artefacts I have produced.

I have previously worked with sexual offenders, child and adolescent mental health services, and in the drug and alcohol sector in community and prison settings.  I also have experience working with offenders with mild and borderline intellectual functioning and acquired brain injuries.

I am a Member of the Australian Psychological Society and the College of Forensic Psychologists.




Australian Psychological Society


Australian and New Zealand Association of Psychiatry, Psychology and Law


Victorian Offender Treatment Association
